Selected Funded Projects
Publications are avaiable on Research Gate & ORCID
2024-2025: Primary Investigator (Vijay Mago, Co-PI)
$5,000 Global Research Excellence (GRE) Seed Fund
Shaping the AI Landscape: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Technology, Society, and the Future
2024 -2025: Primary Investigator (co-Applicants: Rachel Gorman, Elham Dolatabadi, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari)
$49,996 SSHRC Connection Grants.
$5,000 Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions (CRBI)
Equity Artificial Intelligence (AI): towards a framework to address AI Bias.
2023 -2026: Co-PI (Elie Sokhn (PI); Antoine Saab (co-PI), Yahya El-Lahib(co-Investigator), Lina Abou Mrad (co-Applicant))
$360,497 Global South Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness and Response Network (AI4PEP).
Strengthening Lebanon's pandemic surveillance system through AI-driven automation of laboratory data.
2023-2024: Co-Investigator (Elham Dolatbadi (NPI), Co-Investigators: Amol Verma, Fahad Razak, Angela Cheung, Valli Subasri, Bo Wang)
15,000 CAD, Collaborative-based Research Seed Grant, York University
Multimodal pathway for Post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC).
2023 -2026: Co-Applicant (Applicant: Rachel Gorman; co-Applicants: Iffath Syed, Agnès Berthelot-Raffard, Serban Dinca-Panaitescu, De-Lawrence Lamptey, Pierre Maret, Thumeka Mgwigwi, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari, Alana Butler, Roberta Timothy. Collaborators: Dennis Diefenbach)
$241,424 New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration 2022.
Training an AI to detect medical bias and unmet health needs through critical race and disability theory and community-generated data.
2023 -2025: PI (co-Applicants: Yahya El-Lahib, Rachel Gorman)
$30,000 SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants – Shifting Dynamics of Privilege and Marginalization competition.
Towards an Accessible Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI2).
2023-2026: Co-applicant (Principal Applicant: Sergey Krylov, Co-Applicants: Rachel da Silveira Gorman, Jude Kong, Jennifer Chen, Jianhong Wu, Amin Mawani, Alvine Boyae Belle, Derek Wilson, Seyed Moghadas, Shayna Resenbaum).
$525,000, AI Technologies for Identification and Control of Infectious Diseases (TICID), Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters -York University 2022
Project: A Machine learning Approach to Mental Health.
Duration: 2022-2023
Amount: $24,000
Granting Council: MITACS - Globalink Research Internship
Project : Disability Wikibase: Modelling and Implementing an Intelligent Bilingual Knowledge Network, through Mapping Disability Advocacy Data Needs Scaled to Local, National, and International Policy Interventions
Granting Council: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant (SSHRC-IDG)
Duration : 2020-2023
Amount : 67,994 CAD
Project : Students Mental Health: Virtual Support on Campus
Granting Council: Canadian Institute for Health Research - eHealth Innovations Partnership Program (CIHR-eHIPP)
Duration : 2015-2023
Amount : 410,733 CAD
Project : Leveraging Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Supporting Transitions in Care
Granting Council: Faculty of Health Minor Research Grant
Duration : 2019-2021
Amount : 3,000 CAD
Project : OADA Collaborative Mapping (OCM): Reporting Accessibility Issues Collaborative Mapping (CM)
Granting Council: Globalink Research Internship (MITACS)
Duration : 2019
Amount : 24,000 CAD
Project : Adjunct Strategies Impact on the Self-Management Skills and Health Care Outcomes for Persons Living with Mid to Late Stage Heart Failure
Granting Council: North York General Hospital
Duration : 2016-2019
Amount : 7,500 CAD
Project : Informatics Approaches to Support and Empower NGO and Community-Based Anti-Violence Strategies in Canada, India, and Lebanon
Granting Council: Faculty of Health Minor Research Grant
Duration : 2016-2017
Amount : 3,000 CAD
Project : Analyzing Readmission Patterns: Assessment of the LACE Tool Impact
Granting Council: North York General Hospital
Duration : 2014-2018
Amount : 7,475 CAD
Project : The Design, Development, Testing and Validation of's Patient Education, Self-management and Data Capture Modules among Chronic Disease Patients
Granting Council: Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) – Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP)
Duration : 2013-2014
Amount : 23,134 CAD
Project : Employing eHealth to Enhance Equity in Access to and Quality of Chronic Care Services in Primary Health Care in Lebanon
Granting Council: International Development Research Centre(IDRC) - Governance for Equity in Health Systems (GEHS) program - Strengthening equity through applied research capacity building in eHealth (SEARCH) project
Duration : 2013-2016
Amount : 400,800 CAD
Project : Monitoring the Human Rights of People with Disabilities in Canada
Granting Council: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant - Community-University Research Alliances program (SSHRC-CURA)
Duration : 2006-2012
Amount : 998,884 CAD
$5,000 Global Research Excellence (GRE) Seed Fund
Shaping the AI Landscape: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Technology, Society, and the Future
2024 -2025: Primary Investigator (co-Applicants: Rachel Gorman, Elham Dolatabadi, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari)
$49,996 SSHRC Connection Grants.
$5,000 Centre for Research on Biomolecular Interactions (CRBI)
Equity Artificial Intelligence (AI): towards a framework to address AI Bias.
2023 -2026: Co-PI (Elie Sokhn (PI); Antoine Saab (co-PI), Yahya El-Lahib(co-Investigator), Lina Abou Mrad (co-Applicant))
$360,497 Global South Artificial Intelligence for Pandemic and Epidemic Preparedness and Response Network (AI4PEP).
Strengthening Lebanon's pandemic surveillance system through AI-driven automation of laboratory data.
2023-2024: Co-Investigator (Elham Dolatbadi (NPI), Co-Investigators: Amol Verma, Fahad Razak, Angela Cheung, Valli Subasri, Bo Wang)
15,000 CAD, Collaborative-based Research Seed Grant, York University
Multimodal pathway for Post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC).
2023 -2026: Co-Applicant (Applicant: Rachel Gorman; co-Applicants: Iffath Syed, Agnès Berthelot-Raffard, Serban Dinca-Panaitescu, De-Lawrence Lamptey, Pierre Maret, Thumeka Mgwigwi, Fabrice Muhlenbach, Laleh Seyyed-Kalantari, Alana Butler, Roberta Timothy. Collaborators: Dennis Diefenbach)
$241,424 New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration 2022.
Training an AI to detect medical bias and unmet health needs through critical race and disability theory and community-generated data.
2023 -2025: PI (co-Applicants: Yahya El-Lahib, Rachel Gorman)
$30,000 SSHRC Knowledge Synthesis Grants – Shifting Dynamics of Privilege and Marginalization competition.
Towards an Accessible Inclusive Artificial Intelligence (AI2).
2023-2026: Co-applicant (Principal Applicant: Sergey Krylov, Co-Applicants: Rachel da Silveira Gorman, Jude Kong, Jennifer Chen, Jianhong Wu, Amin Mawani, Alvine Boyae Belle, Derek Wilson, Seyed Moghadas, Shayna Resenbaum).
$525,000, AI Technologies for Identification and Control of Infectious Diseases (TICID), Catalyzing Interdisciplinary Research Clusters -York University 2022
Project: A Machine learning Approach to Mental Health.
Duration: 2022-2023
Amount: $24,000
Granting Council: MITACS - Globalink Research Internship
Project : Disability Wikibase: Modelling and Implementing an Intelligent Bilingual Knowledge Network, through Mapping Disability Advocacy Data Needs Scaled to Local, National, and International Policy Interventions
Granting Council: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant (SSHRC-IDG)
Duration : 2020-2023
Amount : 67,994 CAD
Project : Students Mental Health: Virtual Support on Campus
Granting Council: Canadian Institute for Health Research - eHealth Innovations Partnership Program (CIHR-eHIPP)
Duration : 2015-2023
Amount : 410,733 CAD
Project : Leveraging Patient Access to Electronic Health Records: Supporting Transitions in Care
Granting Council: Faculty of Health Minor Research Grant
Duration : 2019-2021
Amount : 3,000 CAD
Project : OADA Collaborative Mapping (OCM): Reporting Accessibility Issues Collaborative Mapping (CM)
Granting Council: Globalink Research Internship (MITACS)
Duration : 2019
Amount : 24,000 CAD
Project : Adjunct Strategies Impact on the Self-Management Skills and Health Care Outcomes for Persons Living with Mid to Late Stage Heart Failure
Granting Council: North York General Hospital
Duration : 2016-2019
Amount : 7,500 CAD
Project : Informatics Approaches to Support and Empower NGO and Community-Based Anti-Violence Strategies in Canada, India, and Lebanon
Granting Council: Faculty of Health Minor Research Grant
Duration : 2016-2017
Amount : 3,000 CAD
Project : Analyzing Readmission Patterns: Assessment of the LACE Tool Impact
Granting Council: North York General Hospital
Duration : 2014-2018
Amount : 7,475 CAD
Project : The Design, Development, Testing and Validation of's Patient Education, Self-management and Data Capture Modules among Chronic Disease Patients
Granting Council: Ontario Centres of Excellence (OCE) – Voucher for Innovation and Productivity (VIP)
Duration : 2013-2014
Amount : 23,134 CAD
Project : Employing eHealth to Enhance Equity in Access to and Quality of Chronic Care Services in Primary Health Care in Lebanon
Granting Council: International Development Research Centre(IDRC) - Governance for Equity in Health Systems (GEHS) program - Strengthening equity through applied research capacity building in eHealth (SEARCH) project
Duration : 2013-2016
Amount : 400,800 CAD
Project : Monitoring the Human Rights of People with Disabilities in Canada
Granting Council: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant - Community-University Research Alliances program (SSHRC-CURA)
Duration : 2006-2012
Amount : 998,884 CAD